Lost and Found: 48 Year Old Saratoga Class Ring

CBS 6 Video

Found with a metal detector, it's been reunited with its owner

Update 3/21 10:50am: After nearly fifty years, the 1976 Saratoga High School class ring has officially made it back on Allen's finger!

Allen Billings lost his 1976 Saratoga High School class ring before the school year was even over. Although it's been gone nearly fifty years, the thought of whatever happened to the ring has always been in the back of his mind. 

Donna Joslyn of Greenfield happens to be a metal detector enthusiast, she even has her own YouTube channel called Metal Detecting NY With Swinging Donna. One day while scouring, her detector indicated she had stumbled across something. As she began to dig about 8-10 inches into the ground, it turned up a remarkably preserved class ring. 

Even more, it had a name engraved. Joslyn went to Facebook to see if anybody knew Allen Billings. She was able to get in touch with Allen's daughter, Jasmine, who stopped by to pick up the ring. Jasmine says her dad, who lives out of state, was amazed the ring had been found after so many years. After seeing a photo, he was able to verify it was indeed his, she told CBS 6

When I called my Dad, he was like - no way!" Jasmine exclaims. "He thought I was lying. He like, zoomed in and there's a little notch missing or something somewhere and that is what validated it. I was like, okay... so, I'm not lying then!

One of the most ironic parts of the story, Donna, Jasmine and her dad are all graduates of Saratoga High. Donna even works part time as a school bus driver for the district.

As for the ring, it is now in the mail waiting to be reunited with its owner. 


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