Country Music Memories - Hank Williams, Sr. Passes New Year's Eve 1952 Into New Year's Day 1953
Kevin Richards' Country Music Memories - December 2024
December 31, 1952 Into January 1, 1953 Hank Williams, Sr. Dies at the age of 29. There have been many stories told about the Legend of Hank Williams, but the one movie I highly recommend is a project that focuses on the last few days of Hank's life- The Last Ride (2011). Hank was on his way to play a show in West Virginia when he passed en route. This movie tells the story with a perfect Classic Country Music soundtrack to set the stage. Considering Hank really only had 5 active years of hits (1947-1952), it's amazing the career his recordings and compositions would have long after his passing. This man created more masterpieces in a few short years, than many accomplish in a lifetime- and something tells me his work will continue beyond our lifetime as well.